Running Hubbard’s Processes with Subject Clearing

Reference: Scientology Research

Hubbard’s research started with Dianetics, continued with Scientology Grades, and ended with OT Levels. The processes from Hubbard’s voluminous work are provided here so they can be run by a person himself using the Subject clearing approach.

The Subject Clearing approach requires neither an auditor nor an E-meter. It simply uses the discipline of Subject Clearing. Its purpose is to facilitates Hubbard’s processes to be run at a grass roots self-help level. Please see

The Book of Subject Clearing



The first level of Hubbard’s research is Dianetics. It basically focuses on running INCIDENTS from a person’s life to help him overcome his difficulties. A person can run Dianetics on himself using the Subject Clearing approach. Please see

Subject Clearing Life: Incidents
Subject Clearing Life: Introversion


Scientology Grades

The second level of Hubbard’s research are Scientology Grades. This level focuses on IDENTIFICATIONS a person is making in this universe. Each grade is made up of many processes that address different aspects of life. The person may do a grade level several times until he is satisfied with it. He may then move to the next grade level. These grades are done in the following order.

  1. ARC Straight wire Processes
  2. Grade 0 Processes
  3. Grade 1 Processes
  4. Grade 2 Processes
  5. Grade 3 Exercises
  6. Grade 4 Exercises
  7. Grade 5 Exercises
  8. Grade 6 Exercises


OT Levels

The third level of Hubbard’s research are the OT Levels. This level focuses on MISCONCEPTIONS that are embedded at a deep level that the person is not aware of.

E-Meter and OT Auditing
Grade 7 Exercises
Scientology OT Levels

Special Rundowns

The three L Rundowns (L10, L11 and L12) are the ultimate processes in Scientology that drill into the mind as fast as possible and resolve some of its aberrations as quickly as possible. But they are very expensive and may not produce the desirable results.

The Ls


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  • vinaire  On March 30, 2023 at 2:37 PM

    I know that some people are running these processes by themselves. I would like to know how it is going.

    Please let me know. Thank you.

  • Viki  On August 11, 2023 at 4:23 PM

    Hi there, just wondered which references are used for the Subject Clearing posts? Thank you 😀

  • Anonymous  On August 12, 2023 at 8:09 AM

    Yes I respect that you absolutely have the right to think for yourself. However life is not a theory but it must be based on EXPERIENCE and not hypothetical studies without practical KNOWLEDGE.

    • vinaire  On August 12, 2023 at 8:12 AM

      What makes you think I do not have required experience and practical knowledge?

      • Anonymous  On August 12, 2023 at 8:31 AM

        Well my apologies for not first believing that you had practical experience.
        I see now that you have taken services and stopped 1999.

        Obviously you are speaking from a viewpoint of paying public and you stopped 25 years ago.

        I’m speaking from the experience of having been a staff member for 25 years and done the levels that you wish you had access to. I did through OT V and also the L-11 Rundown which is all about “Havingness”. (L10 = Do, L11= Have, L12 = Be)

        You are not doing anybody a favor by trying to drive business to a cult doing child labor and breaking many laws including not paying taxes under the guise of being a church when it is a criminal money laundering organization.

        Thus it is very unclear and confusing why you are trying to perpetuate the lies and the scam in this cult that you have left.

        • vinaire  On August 12, 2023 at 8:52 AM

          You are still making lot of assumptions. Hence your conclusions are flawed. Sorry!

  • vinaire  On August 13, 2023 at 4:57 AM

    I am a free thinker. I have come up with a very useful technique of SUBJECT CLEARING that helps a person overcome the misconceptions in any subject including the subject of life. An important part of life is knowledge.

    I am currently subject clearing the subject of KNOWLEDGE itself. That includes the subject of Scientology. My subject clearing of Scientology seems to be upsetting some people. In the past, these people had gotten involved with certain organizations because of their interest in Scientology. They seem to have bad experiences with such organizations. Now they are very much disillusioned and want to destroy the subject of Scientology. They are insisting that I do not subject clear Scientology.

    But you can never destroy knowledge. You can only straighten out the misconceptions with respect to knowledge. The tool for doing that is Subject Clearing.

    My advice to such people, who are upset with Scientology, is to address their bad experiences related to this subject directly, and not to go around forcing their upsets on others. They can use the tool of Subject Clearing to handle their bad experiences.

  • vinaire  On August 13, 2023 at 8:30 AM

    There are proper rules to discussion and commenting. I shall approve only those comments that follow the following rules:

    The Discipline of Discussion

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