Subject Clearing: The Processes

Reference: Course on Subject Clearing

Subject Clearing Processes

Here are the processes unique to Subject Clearing. These processes are continually being updated with experience with them.

  1. Cognitive Therapy with Subject Clearing
  2. Subject Clearing Universe
  3. Subject Clearing Beingness
  4. Subject Clearing Mind
  5. Subject Clearing Logic
  6. Subject Clearing Aberration
  7. Subject Clearing Therapy
  8. Subject Clearing Existence
  9. Subject Clearing Viewpoint and Reality


Meditation Processes

These processes use the technique of mediation.

  1. Isha Kriya of Sadhguru
  2. Subject Clearing Detachment
  3. Subject Clearing Fear and Anxiety
  4. Subject Clearing Overwhelm
  5. Subject Clearing Rightness
  6. Subject Clear Unwanted Condition


Scientology Processes

Here are the processes unique to Scientology.

  1. Subject Clearing Grade 0
  2. Running Scientology Processes with Subject Clearing
  3. Subject Clearing OT III
  4. The Happiness Rundown
  5. Meditation from Mystery to Knowing
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