Subject Clearing Confront (old)

Please see The Book of Subject Clearing

Processing is the application of a procedure to bring about an improvement in a person’s condition. In Subject Clearing, the processes have been obtained from the study of Vedic Hinduism, Buddhism, Psychoanalysis and Scientology.

In Subject Clearing, you can always go back to a previously applied process and run it again.



To confront means, “to face without flinching or avoiding.” Before you can confront another person, or others, you must be able to first confront yourself. This is what it means to “be there.” In this process you learn to be there and confront on a gradient. Please study carefully and understand the following document. 

Be There and Confront

Here are a couple of exercise from Scientology, called TR0, that are very effective when you do them with another person. It does not have to be the same person every time. 

TR0 with Mindfulness

If you do not have another person to work with then do the following.

Mindfulness Meditation 



The TR0 exercise allows the mental matrix to better assimilate itself. In doing so it may resolve some anomalies at the subconscious level. It does resolve other anomalies by bringing them up to a conscious level.

The TR0 exercise, when applied with the universal context of the Principle of Oneness in mind, helps assimilate the mental matrix at a fundamental level.


The Principle of Oneness

Oneness does not imply sameness. Oneness means that all that is known is continuous, consistent and harmonious. This Principle of Oneness underlies the very concept of the universe. It also underlies the Scientific method. This principle gives us the ideal scene for logic, because its violation gives us anomalies. 


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