Handling the Charge

Reference: Course on Subject Clearing

When you are following the path of self-improvement, you are basically handling charge on your case.

You handle charge on your case either in big chunks or just let it bleed away slowly.

In meditation you bleed the charge away, but it is a very slow process because you are spreading your attention in a very general way. You are either concentrating on the divine, or on a mantra. Or, you are following a breathing technique to free your attention from fixation.

To bleed the charge away more rapidly, you need a method to selectively guide your attention. 

Selectively guiding the attention was first introduced in Buddhism.



Buddhism made a big advance on the technique of meditation. In the Kalama Sutta, Buddha says,

Yes, Kalamas, it is proper that you have doubt, that you have perplexity, for a doubt has arisen in a matter which is doubtful.  Now, look you Kalamas, do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay. Be not led by the authority of religious texts, nor by mere logic or inference, nor by considering appearances, nor by the delight in speculative opinions, nor by seeming possibilities, nor by the idea: ‘this is our teacher’. But, O Kalamas, when, you know for yourselves that certain things are unwholesome (akusala), and wrong, and bad, then give them up… And when you know for yourselves that certain things are wholesome (kusala) and good, then accept them and follow them.’

Today, this advice of Buddha is expressed in the The Discipline of Subject Clearing.


Dianetics & Scientology

The subjects of Dianetics and Scientology suddenly burst on the scene in the 1950s. Their founder, L. Ron Hubbard, claimed the foundations of these subjects to be the Vedas of the Hindus, and Buddhism.

The subject of Dianetics did seem to handle charge in big chunks by selectively focusing the attention on somatics (bodily pains and sensations). This is where the idea of engram came from. See Hubbard’s original research first published in 1948: The Original Thesis.

The problem with Dianetics was that after you handled the charge in a few big chunks (engrams), the person was no longer able to access any more charge. Hubbard was then forced into the Scientology approach of bleeding the charge away from the case slowly. This resulted in the various Grades of Scientology. See Running Scientology Processes.

When I came across Scientology in 1969, Hubbard had gone back to researching Dianetics again. He issued it in a streamlined fashion as Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course (HSDC). I was run on the HSDC process and I was able to handle a few big chunks of charge in my first forty hours of auditing (see My Introduction to America). But after that I ran many hundreds of hours on Dianetics with no results. I knew there was more to handle on my case but I was getting nowhere. I felt like I could no longer be audited.

What saved me at that time was Word Clearing. I then realized that Word Clearing was an excellent way of bleeding the charge away from a case. Word Clearing combined with Hubbard’s Data Evaluation Tech, ultimately, led to the Subject Clearing approach.


Subject Clearing

The Principle of Oneness based on the Vedas and Buddha’s approach, was, unfortunately, rejected by Hubbard (see Identity vs Individuality). This is a very basic principle. Subject Clearing reintroduces the Principle of Oneness and then builds up on Hubbard’s technology of Word Clearing and Data Evaluation.

Subject Clearing, thus, advances the concept of ANOMALY (see Introduction to Subject Clearing). It focuses selectively on anomalies to bleed away the charge rapidly. In this process large chunks of charge (engrams) may seem to come off, but that is not the focus in Subject Clearing.

Subject Clearing does not use the Scientology device of E-meter. Instead it uses the understanding of how to handle the Auditing Question.

With Subject Clearing approach, you can run the whole bridge of Scientology quite rapidly by yourself. You may even run the exercises provided by other spiritual paths.


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  • Gary David Shaw  On September 6, 2023 at 11:43 AM

    Absolutely brilllllllliant.
    Thank you.
    It give me better understanding

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