Resolving Anomalies

Reference: The Book of Subject Clearing

An anomaly, which is the target of subject clearing, may be defined as follows.

An anomaly is any violation of the principle of oneness, such as, discontinuity (missing data), inconsistency (contradictory data), or disharmony (arbitrary data).

You start by locating anomalies at the broadest level and then continue down locating the anomalies at the narrower levels. The anomalies shall resolve as you clear the concepts by filling in the missing information, resolving the contradictions and eliminating the arbitrary assumptions.

An example of resolving a very basic anomaly is Einstein’s special theory of relativity. He wanted to understand how it was like to ride the wave of light, and look at another wave of light from that viewpoint. Out of that investigation over the years emerged the special theory of relativity. That theory revolutionized the subject of Physics.

But not all anomalies require solutions that need to go that deep. We resolve the anomaly to the point that we feel a sense of oneness with other things that we know.


Missing Data

In our childhoods, we could not look into certain areas through lack of opportunity. That missing data was the anomaly of discontinuity. We then filled those gaps in data by our assumptions. 

Later in life, when we do have the opportunity to look, we are held back by our assumptions. The discontinuity is still there but it is hidden underneath our assumptions. It takes Subject clearing to discover those assumptions and look past them to recover the anomaly, and finally resolve it.

Many a time it takes new inventions, such as, telescope and microscope to be able to get the missing data. That takes a sharp mind. The current challenge is to understand the mind.


Contradictory Data

When we look around, the contradictory data, or the anomaly of inconsistency, is the easiest to spot. A person claims he is very rich, but he is filing for bankruptcy. Falsehood falls in this category. It is something that does not make sense.

When two data are contradictory there is always something missing in between. Therefore, contradictory data is an indicator for missing data.

But there are people who may justify even contradictory data. So, the alertness of mind is necessary. The solution is to look more closely.


Arbitrary Data

Arbitrary data is something that doesn’t seem to fit into the oneness of the subject. But, it is usually unremarkable because a lot of people seem to agree with it. However, arbitrary data produces disharmony, though the connection may not be so obvious.

For example, the idea of God and eternal soul, especially when seen as beings, is arbitrary, but it is considered as truth by many. Here is what Buddhism has to say about it:

“Two ideas are psychologically deep-rooted in man: self-protection and self-preservation.  For self-protection man has created God, on whom he depends for his own protection, safety and security, just as a child depends on its parent. For self-preservation man has conceived the idea of an immortal Soul or Atman, which will live eternally. In his ignorance, weakness, fear, and desire, man needs these two things to console himself. Hence he clings to them deeply and fanatically.”

But if you don’t find these concepts to be arbitrary that is okay. Just carry on with your subject clearing. 


The Procedure

The approach of starting with the broadest concept in a subject itself helps you spot and resolve anomalies. You catch the broadest misconceptions first so they don’t continue to hide anomalies when you are looking up the subsequent concepts.

The anomalies that you come across are either in the materials you study, or in your own thinking. The resolution of anomalies develops a clarity of mind, such that you can think fast on your feet.

The goal of Subject Clearing is to resolve all the anomalies present in a subject. While doing so, you also resolve anomalies in your own thinking. It is the resolution of anomalies that leads to deeper knowledge.


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  • egonegator  On June 13, 2024 at 12:53 PM

    Vinaire, Thank you for your DELTA news that brightens the day.I especially enjoy the clarification of the coincidence for the contrary data and missing data.NICE……….have you any thoughts along the idea of creating a book with your views in it? Mike

    • vinaire  On June 13, 2024 at 5:11 PM

      This is the book you are looking at. See the reference in the beginning of this document, or chapter.

    • vinaire  On June 13, 2024 at 5:13 PM

      Let me know what else would you like to see added in this book.

      • egonegator  On June 13, 2024 at 11:20 PM

        As I see it your book has enough for me to learn as it is .What a wonderful volume of practical steps to clear confusion or anomolies ! When I use the term book I mean a published book in a bound form.This computer may not function all the time.

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