The Subject Clearing 

Reference: The Book of Subject Clearing

Life is a huge subject that needs to be cleared of all it troubles. Of course, that is the ultimate target of Subject Clearing. That target needs to be approached on a gradient.



Definition of SUBJECT:
A subject can be a person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with. A subject can also be a branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university.

Definition of CLEARING:
To clear is to become free from doubt, anxiety, misunderstanding, etc.

Definition of Subject CLEARING:
Subject clearing is the process of removing doubt, anxiety, misunderstanding, or misconceptions from a subject.


The Subject

The first action is to choose the right subject to clear. Generally there are four categories of subjects.

  1. The subjects you learned in childhood
  2. The subjects you learned in school
  3. The subjects you learned in a profession
  4. The subjects you learned in life.

We may break down each category above into many, many smaller subjects. For example, we learn many things in our childhood at home through our own curiosity, and from our parents. These are usually the basics of getting introduced to life. There is the sense of right and wrong, desires followed by satisfaction or disappointments, the excitement of learning new things, etc.

The school subjects may be broken down into language, mathematics, arts, history, etc. Even these subjects may be broken down further into smaller subjects. For example, arts may be broken down into dancing, playing music, painting, etc.

You may start with the first category:

  1. The subjects you learned in childhood

Make a list of all things that you would like to clear, or understand better, in this category. Now arrange these things in the order you would like to clear them.

As you come up with more things to clear at any time later, just add them to the list in the correct order. There would be a sense of satisfaction when the list is complete.


The Clearing

You take up the first subject on your list. The clearing starts by fully understanding the definition of the title of the subject. You clear it up by looking up its derivation.

For example, if the subject is mathematics, we may ask the AI software, such as, Perplexity:

“What is the derivation of the word MATHEMATICS?”

Or, you may simply look up on Google:

“derivation of the word mathematics”

Once you have cleared up the derivation of MATHEMATICS, you may look up its definitions in a simple dictionary, such as, Dictionary. There may be words in the definitions that you may not fully understand, so you may look them up too. You may end up with a chain of words.

You may clear up the words in the chain to the degree necessary; because the whole idea is to understand the meaning of the title of the subject, and when you understand it, that’s it. Throw away the rest of the word chain. You may encounter those words of the chain later. You clear them up then.

As you clear up a subject title, subtract it from your list, and rearrange rest of the items of the list in the order you would like to clear them. You take up the first subject on your rearranged list, and repeat the above procedure. Do so until no item is left on the list.

Repeat the above procedure, with the rest of the categories of the subjects.

  1. The subjects you learned in school
  2. The subjects you learned in a profession
  3. The subjects you learned in life.


The Subject Clearing

Subject Clearing starts when you want to clear up a subject in detail. Make a list of such subjects and arrange them in the order you would like to clear them up. Now pick up the top subject on this list. Make sure you have cleared up the subject title already. 

Go to the document The Clearing of a Subject.


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  • egonegator  On June 10, 2024 at 12:34 PM

    Look at this lot of data :

    • vinaire  On June 10, 2024 at 12:50 PM

      What is the point you are making?

      • egonegator  On June 10, 2024 at 1:45 PM

        That this world is a simulation designed to keep keep truth LOCKED DOWN…….yet upon examination of the the projections simulated through the mechanics of the mind and perceptions one can become aware of wholeness with responsibility and progress to the ideal…….And also as all the particles are aligned IN TRUTH,the beingness aligns with source.These are only words…….WATCH the video as a form of what you already KNOW!!! and enjoy. Thanks again for all your sharing. Mike

        • vinaire  On June 10, 2024 at 2:49 PM

          Simulation = imitation or enactment, as of something anticipated or in testing.

          We know this world through our postulates; and the oneness of those postulates is the true reality.

          Any departure from that oneness may be considered an anomaly. I guess, the word “simulation” is used in your reference in the sense of ‘anomaly.’

        • egonegator  On June 10, 2024 at 3:42 PM

          That seems true to me! Anomalies are like misfits …….NOT real or appropriate.

        • vinaire  On June 10, 2024 at 7:33 PM

          That is right,

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