Grade 0 Processes

Reference: The Book of Subject Clearing
Reference: Running Hubbard’s Processes with Subject Clearing

Grade 0 processes follow ARC Straight wire Processes.

On Grade 0 processes, a person is learning to differentiate himself from his environment. His environment is not just physical; it is also made up of the thoughts that surround him.

A person may run these processes with Subject Clearing approach. In this approach, neither an auditor nor an E-meter is required. The person simply contemplates over the process command using the Subject Clearing discipline (see The Book of Subject Clearing).

For example, in the process, R2-31 BEINGNESS PROCESSING, the person is looking at things in his environment. These things are simply being or existing in the physical and mental space. They include his body as well as his mind. The person exists purely as the attention or awareness; but he becomes whatever his attention gets fixated on. Usually the person is not aware of this fixation. This process helps the person free himself from some of his fixations.

The EP (end phenomena) of any process is simply a sense of having made some progress. With Subject Clearing approach the person may run a process again if he feels that he can gain more from it. But, if the person already have the awareness that a process provides, he need not run that process.




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  • vinaire  On June 1, 2024 at 2:35 PM

    See the earlier version of this document for earlier comments.

    Subject Clearing Grade 0 (old)

  • Anonymous  On June 1, 2024 at 6:05 PM

    could you stop analyze the shit work of sci fi psychopath L Ron Hubbard?

    WTF are you squirreling about?

    • vinaire  On June 2, 2024 at 3:47 AM

      Please be more precise about what is bothering you.

      I am simply looking at knowledge. L. Ron Hubbard’s work is just a part of that knowledge. There is a long tradition of meditation in the East and prayers and contemplation in the West.

      Are you from East or West? What has been your tradition as far as looking at knowledge goes?

  • vinaire  On June 7, 2024 at 11:44 AM

    In Scientology, it is the same generalized EP (end phenomena) for every process (F/N everything), which has nothing to do with any understanding. It creates uncertainty and a lot of problems.

    In the Subject Clearing approach, the EP is the understanding of the process being run. It is not only the understanding of the process command, but also gaining intimate familiarity with the subject matter of the process. For example:

    “Remember something.” Repetitive to EP

    EP: Simply becoming aware of the past better makes one lighter. You end off when you are feeling good.

    The memory is not a literal record in the mind. Memory is always reconstructed from assimilated data. If you try to recall what you ate for breakfast on a certain day a year ago, the answer that will come to you will be consistent with where you lived, under what conditions, what you liked, what was available, what you could afford etc.

  • vinaire  On June 8, 2024 at 6:19 AM


    EP: It is a relief to be fully aware of things in your physical or mental space; but with the attention free of any fixation.

    There are things around you that are simply being or existing in physical or mental space. You exist simply as attention or awareness. But you become whatever your attention gets fixated on, without you being aware of it. This fixation may result in symptoms that you become aware of. But you remain unaware of the underlying fixation.

  • vinaire  On June 8, 2024 at 8:55 AM


    EP: Communicating is the heart of life, and becoming aware of the barriers to communicating brings relief.

    AXIOM 51: Postulates and live communication not being MEST and being senior to MEST can accomplish change in MEST without bringing about a persistence of MEST. Thus auditing can occur.

    Barriers to communication may be isolated by focusing on the influence of certain people over you.

  • vinaire  On June 9, 2024 at 6:20 PM

    Process: PAB 54 COMM PROCESS

    EP: The EP is a better familiarity with thought and thinking through conscious application.

    A thought can be passed around. It can transmitted and received. It can be generated and dissolved. There can be resistance to certain thoughts, and attraction to others.

  • vinaire  On June 10, 2024 at 3:53 AM


    EP: A better understanding of some very basic concepts

    When you do this with the Subject clearing approach, you get definitions as arrived at here. See

    The Book of Misconceptions

  • vinaire  On June 11, 2024 at 4:28 AM


    EP: A gut understanding of what communication is.

    When one is communicating, one is sensing what is there without distorting it or adding to it. The purpose is to see the whole picture. If the picture is not whole, one becomes aware of the anomalies. The effort then is bring the is-ness closer to being continuous, consistent and harmonious. 

  • vinaire  On June 17, 2024 at 12:57 PM

    Process: IN SEQUENCE

    EP: An understanding of communication compared to no-communication.

    When one is in communication, one feels one with the person or thing one is in communication with. When there is no communication, the other person or thing doesn’t seem to even exist.

  • vinaire  On June 18, 2024 at 4:12 AM


    EP: A better understanding of self in relation to the universe, body, mind and individual.

    A universe is everything you are aware of; whereas, self is awareness. Body is the material and energy aspect of the universe.  Mind is the thought aspect of the universe. An individual is made up of matter, energy and thought same as the universe.

  • vinaire  On June 18, 2024 at 4:23 AM


    EP: A better understanding of self in relation to body parts.

    A body part is made up of matter. It has energy in the sense that it is capable of functioning in a certain manner. That functioning of the body part is controlled through thought.

  • vinaire  On June 18, 2024 at 4:38 AM


    EP: A better understanding of self in relation to male and female bodies, bodies in general, matter, energy, space, time and everything else.

    Male and female are the two main characteristics of the body that provide the function of generating more bodies. Bodies are constructed out of the substance of matter, energy and thought. Space denotes the relative extents of substance. Time denotes the relative durations of substance. All other things are made out of substance. They consist of different material, energies and thoughts. They carry out their different functions.

  • vinaire  On June 20, 2024 at 7:19 AM

    Process: PROCESS S-2

    EP: Be able to differentiate oneself from a victim mentality.

    On Grade 0, a person is establishing who he is by differentiating himself from different kind of physical characteristics, mentalities, things, experiences, etc.

  • vinaire  On June 20, 2024 at 5:41 PM


    EP: Feeling completely comfortable about “buttons” such as, hidden, protected, owned, inhibited, enforced, desired, etc. 

    Here a person is looking at his own considerations about buttons, such as, hidden, protected, owned, inhibited, enforced, desired, and curious about, in the context of knowing such things as communications. People are generally not very comfortable about these buttons. This process resolves any consideration a person has about these buttons. 

  • vinaire  On June 21, 2024 at 7:09 AM


    EP: Feeling completely comfortable about certain combination of “buttons.” 

    This is a shotgun process to check out all possible combinations of certain buttons in an orderly fashion. 

  • vinaire  On June 21, 2024 at 2:50 PM


    EP: Attention freed up from terminals it gets drawn towards.

    Hubbard came up with a scale of buttons. He is using this scale to free up fixed attention, which is the basis of all aberration. 

  • vinaire  On June 21, 2024 at 8:25 PM


    EP: You know you have a body through which you communicate, but you don’t have to be fixated on it. As awareness your attention can be anywhere.

    The place of a person is always where the body is. The body is a part of the person. The person is not separate from the body. But the person is awareness that can extend beyond the body. The person does not have to be fixated on the body.

  • vinaire  On June 21, 2024 at 8:51 PM


    EP: There is no scarcity of communication if you are willing to experience and know whatever is there.

    You are not resisting any communication. You are willing to experience and know whatever is there.

  • vinaire  On June 22, 2024 at 4:37 AM


    EP: There is no resistance but total willingness to look and know about anything. There are no withholds.

    You look at things and subjects that you are unwilling to talk about. You look at people you are unwilling to talk to.

  • vinaire  On June 22, 2024 at 4:44 AM

    Process: HAVINGNESS

    EP: There is no resistance to looking at things closely.

    Solid are things that are pretty concentrated. To understand them you have to look at them very closely.

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