The Identification

Reference: The Book of Universe

A person’s identification of himself with phenomenon in the universe lies at the bottom of his difficulties. As the person addresses such identifications his awareness increases and his problems start to resolve. An identification with the body, earth, and matter is quite common.



When a difference exists, but the person cannot see it, then there is an identification in the person’s mind. His perception is simply not refined enough, for him to see the difference.

Most people go around thinking that they are the body. Their attention is, therefore, fixated on their body all the time. There is nothing wrong with the body. It is a wonderful mechanism, but there are differences between the body and the self that one should be aware of.

Others may identify themselves with their individuality; so they are not aware of the feelings of others. They simply cannot appreciate life in general.

Some people identify themselves with the sorrow and misery in the world; so they go around feeling miserable all the time. They cannot resolve anybody’s suffering.

The Western science had once identified itself with the Earth. It freed itself up from this identification with the efforts of Copernicus and Galileo. But science still identifies itself with matter and thinks that energy and thought are properties of matter. Einstein freed energy from this identification with matter, and that created a scientific revolution. Now thought needs to be freed from identification with matter. Both energy and thought can exist independent of matter.

Identification results in a fixation of attention, which the person is not aware of. The fixation simply narrows the person’s viewpoint. For example, a person who is identifying himself with his body, is mainly aware of the needs of the body for sex, food and survival. All his concerns are guided by those needs.



The idea that one has of “oneself” is mostly made up of these identifications or karmic patterns. That is what a Scientology ‘thetan’ is. These are the karmic patterns that continue from one lifetime to the next until they are resolved.

The identifications exist in the form of percels (perceptual elements) that are not refined. Such identifications are addressed on the grades of Scientology. But Scientology is designed to keep the thetan there, so some identification always remains.

Identification is best addressed by looking at things more closely and recognizing them for what they are. This occurs when the person is keenly observing, contemplating and meditating with eyes open or with eyes closed. 


Key Misconception 

It is a key misconception to think that one knows it all and one does not need to look at things closely.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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  • Anonymous  On June 1, 2024 at 10:33 AM

    I’ve also seen intelligence/sanity being defined as the ability to tell differences, similarities, and identities. One point above that I agree with is that differentiation can be achieved by improving one’s perception.

    However, the one thing that I’m confused on (and probably identified on) is the difference between perception and the process of differentiation itself. Who/what does the differentiation; is it separate from or subsequent to perception? Can identification happen if there is proper perception, but mixed with preconceived notions?

    Any ideas?

  • vinaire  On June 2, 2024 at 3:45 AM

    The accuracy of perception depends on how refined the percels (perceptual elements) are after a sensation has been decomposed. So, the process of differentiation has to do with the decomposition of sensation.

    The feeling of confusion and not understanding something is a sensation about that something that needs to be decomposed. You look at that “sensation” more closely and isolate what doesn’t make sense.

    The following reference might help.
    DS 17 Summary

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