The Postulate

Reference: The Book of Universe

We make postulates to give meaning to what we sense. Such postulates are subject to the constraints of continuity, consistency and harmony according to the principle of oneness.


Definition of POSTULATE

Dictionaries define a postulate as something claimed to be true, which is then used as a basis for reasoning or arguing.

We may define a postulate as a creative thought, which brings oneness to existing data; and, which helps us fill holes in our understanding of the universe. For example, “The speed of light is a universal constant,” is a famous postulate made by Einstein that helped explain space and time better. This helped us understand many phenomena that were puzzling before.

A postulate is not something formed arbitrarily. It is a well-thought out form and meaning given to sensations to fill the holes in the picture of the universe. Currently, a big gap exists between the Standard Model of Particle Physics and the General Theory of Relativity that requires a postulate to bridge over.

A postulate invariably leads to the resolution of basic anomalies. This is the very quality that makes a postulate self-evident. Thus it becomes possible to use the postulates as the basis for further reasoning and prediction.



Postulates do not stand in isolation. A postulate anchors a whole framework of reasoning. It exists in oneness with other postulates. The terms and definitions provided in this book may seem to contain many postulates.

The postulates get refined continually. The ancients postulated the elements of earth, water, air, fire and aether to describe the universe. Today we use the terms matter, energy, space and time for this purpose.

The earliest postulates formed the religions. The idea of God was an over encompassing postulate that was the source of all subsequent reasoning. Science evolved out of that reasoning and refined the postulates by eliminating misconceptions.

Hubbard, in Scientology, implies that postulates can be made arbitrarily in one’s “own universe.” But even a person’s own universe won’t hold together without the oneness of his postulates. A person’s reality is determined by his postulates. His reality is distorted by his misconceptions.

We may start with any set of postulates; but, thereafter, we must apply the constraints of continuity, consistency and harmony to refine them.


Key Misconception

The key misconception is to think that the postulates can be arbitrary as implied in Scientology.

All postulates are subject to the constraints of continuity, consistency and harmony.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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