The Space

Reference: The Book of Universe

Space represents the extents of substance. Thus, we have “thought space”, “energy space”, and “matter space” as different spaces. Space is a property of substance. If there is no substance, then there is no space.


Definition of SPACE

The substance has extents, and we refer to those extents as SPACE. There is no space empty of substance. The seemingly “empty space” is empty only of matter; it is not empty of energy and thought.

As the substance increases in consistency, it condenses and, therefore, its space contracts. We may visualize matter floating in a sea of energy; and energy floating in a sea of thought. 

The mathematics of Einstein correctly predicts the phenomenon of contraction of space. But, he views space as a mathematical abstraction; whereas, space is actually a property of substance. When space is bending, it is an actual substance (energy) that is bending.

Space also contracts within an atom from the electronic region to the nuclear region. This means that the substance has condensed from electrons to nucleons in the nucleus. We know that the mass (consistency) of a nucleon is about 2000 times that of the electron.

In summary, space represents the extents of substance. Space contracts as the substance condenses.



The mathematical interpretation of space has been useful in reaching certain scientific conclusions once they are verified. But mathematics alone does not provide a complete definition of space. Physics lacks a proper definition of substance; and, therefore, it has been unable to define space.

We generally visualize space as viewed in the subject of Geometry; but Geometry visualizes space as if it is filled with matter. It is a very limited concept of space. We measure interstellar distances from this materialistic view of space.

The erroneous idea of a void comes from an abstraction of space. In actuality, there is no void. There is always a substance present even when it has minimal of consistency. The minimal consistency belongs to thought. The values assigned to the abstract dimensions are actually the values assigned to the dimensions of thought substance.

The wavelength is the distance between two adjacent crests of a wave. This visualization applies correctly for ripples in water, but not to the substance of energy. For energy, the wave-length represents how expanded or contracted the field of energy is.


Key Misconception

It is a misconception to thinks that space is mathematical or conceptual in a theoretical sense. Space is actually made up of thought substance that condenses into energy substance and matter.

Hence, it is a misconception to think that an electron is smaller than a proton. As a particle, electron is much less condensed than a proton; and, therefore, it is much bigger. This is evident from a hydrogen atom, which contains a single electron and a single proton. This misconception is compounded by the misconception that atoms have empty space.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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