Subject Clearing Universe (old)

Please see The Book of Misconceptions

Reference: Course on Subject Clearing

Processing is the application of a procedure to bring about an improvement in a person’s condition. In Subject Clearing, the processes have been obtained from the study of Vedic Hinduism, Buddhism, Psychoanalysis and Scientology.

In Subject Clearing, you can always go back to a previously applied process and run it again.



This Subject Clearing process explores the subject of the universe. 

PREREQUISITE: Cognitive Therapy with Subject Clearing

Look up these words in this sequence per the definitions given below.


As you look up a definition, ask yourself,

“What crosses my mind as I look up this definition?”

Notice the internal reaction. Apply The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness to that reaction. If there is a disagreement, or you sense some anomaly, then address it with Subject Clearing Viewpoint.

You may consult dictionaries, Wikipedia, Textbooks, etc., to sort out the disagreement or anomaly present. Contemplate on these words until you are fully satisfied with your understanding.

For more definitions, please refer to KHTK Glossary: Subject Clearing.



We start by examining all that we know. We call this the universe. People generally misconceive the nature of the universe by focusing on its visual and physical aspect only. The complete definition of the UNIVERSE is as follows.

The Universe


The universe is knowable because it can be sensed, but that does not mean that it is fully known. We find the universe mixed with what is not known or is unknowable.

The Unknowable


To give meaning to what we sense, we make postulates. Newton postulated the idea of energy. Einstein postulated the universal constant of the speed of light. These postulates have helped us understand the make up of the universe.

The Postulate


The knowable is sensed but it still needs to be given meaning with the help of postulates. Postulates have existed since the ancient times, and they have improved over the time. As a result we have a much better knowledge of the universe today.

The Knowable


Combining all the elements into the single element of substance allows us to make much better sense out of the universe (see KNOWABLE). This demonstrates the power of oneness. Oneness is the fundamental principle that applies to substance. We may define ONENESS more precisely as follows.

The Oneness


The physicist avoids using the word “substance” because it is not scientific enough. The layman sees substance as a synonym for matter. But substance is more than just matter. So, here is a scientific definition for substance. 

The Substance


The substance most familiar to us is matter. It is the most visible and easily sensed substance. It comes in the form of solid, liquid and gas.

The Matter


Energy has been thought of as a property of matter, rather than a substance in its own right. This requires considerable shift in thinking. A similar shift was required when it was found that Sun is at the center of the solar system, and not Earth.

The Energy


Considering thought to be a substance is indeed a revolutionary step. It gives divinity a completely new makeover. It makes divinity appear as a new echelon of natural laws that apply to thought.

The Thought


After Einstein’s brilliant work, matter can said to be equivalent to energy as a substance, except they are very different in their consistency. Thought is also a form of substance that is very different in its consistency from both matter and energy. Just like the concept of substance, the concept of consistency also seems to be missing in science.

The Consistency


Just like consistency, space is another characteristic of substance. Space represents the extents of substance. If there is no substance then there is no space either.

The Space


Just like consistency and space, time is also a characteristic of substance. Time represents the duration of substance. If there is no substance then there is no time either.

The Time


Motion is defined as change of position of an object in space; but motion is perceived only relative to another object. The motion of a car is perceived relative to the road. The motion of the earth is measured relative to the sun. Motion is not perceived relative to space.

The Motion


The Standard Model of Particle Physics defines sub-atomic particles mathematically, but it does not provide proper visualization. We visualize matter particles as point particles because they have the center-of-mass property. But we cannot do so with the sub-atomic particles. The following definition provides a possible visualization of the sub-atomic articles based on data available.

The Particle (Atom)


The concept of quantum was first applied to electromagnetic radiation. It had to do with the amount of radiation that was absorbed and emitted by atoms. Such an amount was found to be proportional to the frequency of radiation, and not to its intensity.

The Quantum (Light)


The particle of thought has to be something very basic and precise. We identify it as a concept.

The Concept


When some equilibrium is missing, there appears to be a tension or charge that needs to be smoothed out. The charge is felt as a burden or responsibility. It may point to the presence of some anomaly. It spurs one toward action.

The Charge


When some equilibrium is missing, there appears to be a tension or charge that needs to be smoothed out. The charge is felt as a burden or responsibility. It may point to the presence of some anomaly. It spurs one toward action.

The Electron


The free flowing radiant energy is called electromagnetic radiation because it is found to consist of electric and magnetic fields. It has a whole range of properties as expressed through an electromagnetic spectrum. 

The Electromagnetic Radiation


Proton refers to that consistency of substance that is under the tension to evaporate from mass back into electronic liquidity. This tension is seen as positive charge.

The Proton


The charged proton layer exists at the surface of the nucleus. The subsequent layers in the interior of the nucleus are uncharged. They get more condensed as they get closer to the center of the nucleus.

The Neutron


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