Deep Contemplation

Reference: Course on Subject Clearing

A person cannot perceive the facsimiles (unassimilated impressions) because they are not assimilated. It is only upon assimilation can the content of those facsimiles be perceived. 

The facsimiles, when activated, influence the thinking and activities of the person. Thus, the facsimile acts as the MOTIVATOR, and the person is then motivated to commit OVERT ACTS. These overt acts, by their very nature, are dramatized out of context, and are, therefore, anomalous.

Overt Acts are the dramatizations of facsimiles (unassimilated impressions), which act as motivators.

The person assimilates his facsimiles when he traces his OVERT ACTS back to their actual MOTIVATOR, without justifying them.

To assimilate his facsimiles the person contemplates on his overt acts deeply until he recognizes the actual motivator.


Resolution of Anomalies

The natural approach is to trace back the anomalies in the sequence that they show up. This makes the running of the more complex anomalies easier. Overt acts are anomalies that trace back to deeper anomaly of motivator.

So, when running a past incident all overts and motivator are brought up to awareness for assimilation to occur. This is how you clean up an incident and get the underlying postulate.  

Current or past life incidents are treated the same way. The incidents from “past lives” might appear as dreamlike visualizations of anomalies. Do not concern yourself with the content of the incident. You just focus on the resolution of the anomaly and the resulting assimilation of the facsimile.

This is how deep contemplation is done in subject clearing.


The Discipline

Incidents do not become heavy if anomalies are resolved in the sequence that they come up.

To resolve an anomaly, one must assimilate the underlying facsimile.

To assimilate the facsimile, one must contemplate deeply on the overts and its motivator together.

To accomplish the deep contemplation it takes The Discipline of Subject Clearing.

If you do this then there would not be any adverse consequences.


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