Dianetics, Grades & OT Levels

Reference: The Book of Subject Clearing

When the universe impinges upon our senses, it causes sensations. The sensations then break up and get assimilated into the mental matrix. This activity of assimilation produces our perceptions. 



An INCIDENT is a period of a dramatic impingement during which the sensations generated make a unique impression on the mind. The more intense are these sensations, the harder they are to break up and assimilate. When there is no break up and assimilation, there is no perception at all.

The person is not aware of the unassimilated sensations in those incidents. Such sensations influence the mind in uncontrolled ways. They appear as unwanted conditions, such as, illness and disease at the physical level, and as aberrations at the mental level. 

The auditing of INCIDENTS is directed at breaking up the unassimilated sensations, and assimilating them in the mental matrix. When such assimilation takes place under auditing, the person perceives the incident clearly for the first time. This resolves many unwanted conditions. This is the level of DIANETICS.


Scientology Grades

We may think of sensations to break up into percels (perceptual elements). When assimilated, these percels form the elements of the mental matrix. This matrix continually grows and becomes more complex as sensations are assimilated. This matrix, as a whole, represents the experience of the person.

The mental matrix exists within a framework of postulates that a person holds. These postulates provide the meaning to percels. This meaning is further refined through their connections to each other within the matrix. The mental matrix naturally optimizes these connections and meanings to be continuous, consistent and harmonious. This produces the rationality of the mind.

When two things are different but not seen as such, then there is an identification. A percel is not refined enough if it contains identifications. Such identifications can be straightened out through auditing. As percels are refined through auditing, the consciousness increases, and so does the rationality of the person. The auditing to remove IDENTIFICATION and improve consciousness and rationality is the domain of Scientology GRADES.


OT Levels

A much deeper source of aberration are the MISCONCEPTIONS among the tightly held postulates of the person that govern the mental matrix. These postulates form the framework by which assimilation takes place in the mental matrix, and meanings are assigned.

This is a very deep level of aberration, but any realization at this level also brings about spiritual gains that go a long way. This is the domain of OT Levels.


Subject Clearing

Subject Clearing addresses the deep level of MISCONCEPTIONS in any subject. But the Subject Clearing approach can also be applied to the levels of INCIDENTS and IDENTIFICATIONS. Mindfulness is the basis of Subject Clearing. Its various aspects are described here:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Here is an example of the application of Subject Clearing.

The Book of Universe


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