The Gravity

Reference: The Book of Universe
Reference: The Book of Physics

It is a misconception to think that gravity is a “force of attraction.” Gravity is the natural tendency of the substance to arrange itself such that there is a balance of consistency and motion.


Definition of GRAVITY

In its most fundamental form, force manifests as the consistency and motion of substance. All other forms of force that impinge on our senses, such as heat, electricity, magnetism, and mechanical force, reduce to consistency and motion of substance. We perceive this consistency and motion in its most fundamental form as gravity.

It is a misconception to think of substance as merely matter. The substance consists of thought, energy and matter. As consistency of the substance increases from thought to energy to matter, its motion decreases proportionally, as described by the Vortex model.

This Vortex model points to the natural tendency of the substance to arrange itself such that there is a balance of consistency and motion. The velocity of light is constant because it is balanced by its consistency. We call this tendency Gravity.

It is a misconception to think that gravity is a “force of attraction.” For example, we think that Moon is attracted to Earth by the force of gravity. But the position of Moon is simply aligned with the position of the Earth, such that their consistency and motion are in perfect balance. Any attempt to disturb this configuration would result in inertial forces, which will restore this configuration immediately.

We see the manifestation of gravity in the configuration of the galaxies, the planetary systems, and the atomic structure.



From Faraday 1857: On the Conservation of Force“We know matter only by its forces: and though one of these is most commonly referred to, namely gravity, to prove its presence, it is not because gravity has any pretension, or any exemption amongst the forms of force, as regards the principle of conservation; but simply that being, as far as we perceive, inconvertible in its nature and unchangeable in its manifestation, it offers an unchanging test of the matter which we recognize by it.”

So far, the physicists have been unable to find the “graviton,” the supposed quantum particle for the field of gravity. This is because the field of gravity is not a field of force. The field of gravity is the configuration of substance resulting from the balance of consistency and motion.

When a body is accelerating in a gravitational field, it is simply moving towards its proper place in that configuration, which will bring about a balance of consistency and motion. It is not just some attractive force. This is the same acceleration that makes binary stars circle around each other; planets go around their sun; and the stars in a galaxy rotate around the central black hole.

Space is the measure of the extent of substance. The Vortex model tells us that the curvature of the space shall increase as the consistency of the substance occupying it increases and the motion decreases.


Key Misconception

A key misconception is that Gravity is a force of attraction. In truth, gravity is the natural tendency of the substance to arrange itself such that there is a balance of consistency and motion.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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