The Misconception

Reference: The Book of Universe

Misconceptions are much more subtle than engrams and identifications. They pervade the whole consciousness of a person. As you handle misconceptions, the identifications and the engrams soften up; and, sooner or later, they surrender easily.



A misconception is an erroneous idea, or a mistaken notion, such as, “this universe is only physical and the spiritual phenomena is not part of it.” It is obvious that if we can sense a phenomenon then it is manifested; and, therefore, it is a part of this universe. So, if we can sense a spiritual phenomenon, or become aware of it, then it has to be manifested in some manner. So, it would be a part of this universe. 

The deeper and broader is a misconception, the wider is its influence in the society. It appears natural because everybody appears to think that way. Such was the case with the misconception that the Sun goes around the Earth. When this misconception was looked at more closely with the help of mathematics and science, then the Sun was recognized as a star, and the Earth was found to be one of planets going around this star.

Misconceptions is the subtlest layer that underlies identifications and engrams, and sustains them. As a person becomes aware of his misconceptions and resolves them, it becomes easier for him to recognize his identifications and resolve them too. As he keeps on doing so, one day he may come face to face with his birth engram and discharge it. Other engrams, if they exist, may then follow.



The key misconception has been defining God and the world based on the dichotomies, such as, “Creator-creation,” “Cause-effect,” and “Static-kinetic,” because all these dichotomies are known. The ultimate dichotomy is “Unknowable-knowable” that undercuts all other dichotomies and provides the broadest view. It is the dichotomy used by the Vedas. Kant’s dichotomy of “neumenon-phenomenon” is not too far off either.


Key Misconception

It is a key misconception not to realize the importance of resolving misconceptions in oneself and others in handling the sufferings in life.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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