The Anomaly

Reference: The Book of Universe

Only after one has handled one’s misconceptions can one truly see the anomalies around one. Otherwise, one confuses one’s own misconceptions with anomalies.


Definition of Anomaly

An ANOMALY is any violation of the Principle of Oneness. It could be a discontinuity (missing data), an inconsistency (contradictory data), or a disharmony (arbitrary data). 

An anomaly in one’s viewpoint is more like a misconception. Only when the misconceptions are removed, can one truly see the anomalies in the universe around oneself.

The anomalies that one sees in other people’s viewpoints are still misconceptions. They distort their sense of reality. But actual anomalies exist in the reality of the situation itself. For example, a person is increasing in age, but he is looking younger.

When one sees a misconception in another person’s viewpoint, one should always make sure that one is not carrying a similar misconception oneself.

Resolution of an anomaly always broadens one’s viewpoint.



In order to make any progress, one has to be totally honest in recognizing misconceptions and anomalies. Pointing out other people’s misconceptions may only harden them further.

Nobody can improve another. Only the person can improve himself. You take care of your misconceptions and be the best you can, and hope that your effort gets noticed by others and inspires them.

Use anomalies to analyze the existing situations and get to the reason why those situations exist. Just knowing the reasons why things are the way they are brings tremendous relief.

Hubbard did a great job of data and situation analysis with his Data Series. That has been an inspiration to me. I would recommend everyone to study the Data Series.


Key Misconception

A key misconception is confusing one’s own misconceptions with anomalies out there.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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