The Engram

Reference: The Book of Universe

An engram is a heavy sensation that has not been assimilated in the mental matrix; therefore, a person is not aware of its content. Nevertheless, an engram influences the body and mind adversely, causing much discomfort. The sensations experienced during birth are engrams.


Definition of ENGRAM

Engram is a traumatic experience, sensations from which have not been assimilated in the mental matrix.

An engram exists in the mind and influences the body, but the person is not aware of it.

Birth is an excellent example of an engram. Everyone has it, and it generally is the cause of the auto-immune disease in the body.

When a person becomes aware of his birth engram and assimilates it, the auto-immune disease disappears. The damage already caused by the auto-immune disease, however, may take a long time to repair itself.



Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard deals with the subject of engrams extensively. I was very skeptical of the existence of engrams at first; but then, to my surprise, I discovered my birth engram and assimilated it with the help of Dianetics auditing.

This had surprising results. But then I found that not more than a couple engrams may be discovered after the birth engram. Fifty hours of Dianetics auditing are more than enough.


Key Misconception

It is a misconception to think that there exists a single engram, the discovery and assimilation of which will handle the whole case of a person.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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