The Ghost

Reference: The Book of Universe

Some people think of spirit or soul in terms of the popular idea of ghost. They are afraid of ghosts and stay away from places that are supposedly haunted. There are others who ignore the idea of ghost. But there is a phenomenon that can be described as a ghost. 


Definition of GHOST

After a person dies his body-mind system reduces to a latent thought pattern that maintains its own space. This thought pattern is so thin that it is normally imperceptible to most people and has no influence. 

This thought pattern is the outcome of identification with the universe. Highly enlightened persons, who have overcome their identifications, leave no thought patterns behind. But those, who are heavily identified with their bodies and its unconscious tendencies, do leave behind heavy thought patterns.

Such heavy thought patterns seem to have denser presence in certain spaces. These patterns may get activated and run like a video clip. The unconscious tendencies forming these thought patterns can be perceived.

You may psychologically respond to such perceptions of thought patterns. It is such a response that may appear as a ghost.



You are basically responding to tendencies that are external to you. These tendencies are not out to harm you. They are simply operating compulsively according to their nature. They don’t have a discriminatory intellect to choose. They may be intense, mild or meek. They may just hang around certain places per their memory. They are everywhere in some way. This is the reason why processes exist to clear out such influences.

If you are vulnerable, these ghosts (external tendencies) can “possess” you,  and thus influence your actions. But, if you have the quality of meditativeness, you cannot be possessed. A person who is easily frightened, can, however, be terrorized; and it can lead to situations that are fatal.  But, if you have raised yourself to that level of awareness where you can feel and recognize such patterns, you will have no problem with them.

These disembodied thought patterns exist only in the level of “awareness” in which a person died. They are in a stagnant state that has a certain lifespan. They can be contacted and dissolved.


Key Misconception

It is a key misconception to think that a ghost is an entity that is alive. The ghost is like a three-dimensional hologram that may get activated to play itself out. This hologram can be stopped from playing itself; or, it can be dissolved completely.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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