PREFACE (Universe)

Reference: The Book of Universe

Throughout my life I had wanted to handle all my misconceptions. There were so many things I did not understand. Now that the Internet was available, I could probably find the answers to most of my questions. So, when I retired in 2013, I knew exactly what was going to keep me busy.

I had dived deeply into physical sciences, but the mathematics of quantum mechanics overwhelmed me. A much bigger challenge was the understanding of what life was all about. I felt I would never arrive at the maturity that I saw so many others possess. Anyway, I started on a project to research the interface between physics and metaphysics.

The priority on my mind was clearing up all the things that I did not understand during my schooling, and during the early years of my life. So, I started to investigate the basics of mathematics, physics, Hinduism and Scientology.

In 2015, I had an opportunity to work with high school dropouts, helping them prepare for their GED tests. I started going to this facility in New Port Richie, Florida, which was managed by the Metropolitan Ministries of Tampa. It was an interesting experience working with 20 odd young adults who  were surviving under tough conditions. Here was a wealth of experience with life that I could only imagine. It was amazing that they could even think of learning math. To reach their mind in any organized manner was a challenge.

That facility had set up computers with software to help a person learn math; but these students just sat, fiddled and stared at the screen. They were not getting anywhere. I tried to work with them one at time, trying to help them through their anxiety and desperation about learning, for their failure to learn bothered them. They just wanted somehow to get a GED certification.

I had gone through the study technology and word clearing techniques of Scientology that were supposed to handle the kind of situation I was encountering with these high school dropouts. So, I worked with these students individually trying to find and clear their “misunderstoods.” Most of them had trouble understanding fractions and handling negative numbers. But they were just so overwhelmed with all the things that were coming at them, that it was difficult to reach their minds with the simplest of definitions. It reminded me of my own difficulty in learning the subject of quantum mechanics.

It was under these desperate circumstances that Subject Clearing was born.

I organized a series of lectures that started with the broadest concept, which was the numbering system, and then proceeded logically with subsequent concepts. It was interesting to see their relief when I told them that there were only ten digits (0 to 9) that were used to write all possible numbers, just like there were only 26 letters of alphabet that were used to compose all possible words. I explained how the numbering system was based on ten. I showed them with the help of an abacus, how the place values came about. I got them to read and write large numbers with confidence.

This sparked an interest that I still remember to this day. These were the basics they had never understood. So, they didn’t even know what they were missing. Their interest shot up, and now, as a class, they were full of questions. This helped me organize the subsequent lectures. This resulted in The Book of Mathematics.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson. There is an inherent logic that exists in mathematics. Very soon I discovered that this idea of inherent logic could be applied to other subjects too. The complete picture of a subject appeared to depend on a continuity, consistency and harmony among all the concepts involved. I started to call this the principle of Oneness. 

It took some time before I could fully grasp the power of this methodology. But when I did, it simply blew my mind. I started to wonder if one could deal with the universe as a subject? Was it a crazy idea bound for failure? But it was no less crazy than looking for an interface between physics and metaphysics. I was retired and had all the time in the world! Didn’t I? So, I persuaded myself, and the result has been this book. It may hardly scratch the surface of the universe, and may not mean much; but here it is.

More than the contents of this book, I would like to emphasize the power that lies in the methodology of Subject Clearing. It has helped me understand for myself so many of those principles that the great minds of the past have discovered. I consider myself very lucky to have received the education that I did, and to be living in the age of Internet where anyone can easily access the knowledge of the great minds who have graced us.

I cannot help but express my delight in what I have come to understand through Subject Clearing. I hope this methodology serves you just as well. I feel privileged to be sharing it with you.


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  • egonegator  On May 1, 2024 at 6:25 PM

    Vinaire, Thanks for your mail.The book in on the internet is your message to my question.I was hoping to HAVE a hard copy in case we loose the internet system.Guess I could find some one to copy the words and then I would have somewhat of a book Thanks for sharing all you know for the sake of mankind!

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