The Science

Reference: The Book of Universe

The curiosity to know has progressed from speculative thinking of earlier religions and philosophy to modern systematic approach of science. The purpose has always been to explore the natural phenomena to find answers. But science has veered away from the original purpose to find answer to the suffering of man.


Definition of SCIENCE

Science is a rigorous, systematic process of acquiring knowledge about the natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of hypotheses. 

The western science, however, has investigated physical phenomena only. When it comes to applying the scientific method to the spiritual phenomena we have to look toward the efforts made in the East. The key principle applied in the Eastern science is the principle of Oneness.

The Western scientific method applies the principle of Oneness to the physical phenomena without being aware of it. A conscious application was insisted upon by Michael Faraday in his essay On the Conservation of Force, but it is still not quite understood. The evidence of this lies in the observation that the scientific community has yet to accept ‘energy’ and ‘thought’ as substance like matter. This acceptance is vital for science to look into the original quest to find the answer to the suffering of man. 



The thought phenomena underlies the physical phenomena. The awareness of the physical phenomena, in itself, is a thought phenomenon. The scientific method is an aspect of the thought phenomenon of Oneness. Science has begun to study the thought phenomena through the information technology, psychology and the social sciences. We need to consolidate this knowledge.

There exist many misconceptions about the principle of Oneness. A person should be able to perceive oneness as the basis of acquiring a complete picture of this universe.


Key Misconception

It is a key misconception that science should be limited to the physical phenomena only. The scientific method can be applied equally to the thought or spiritual phenomena.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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