The Spiritual-Physical

Reference: The Book of Universe

The truly spiritual phenomena, such as, the origin of the Universe and where its awareness comes from is unknowable. Therefore, all such knowledge is postulated. This knowledge itself is sensed as thought. We assimilate this knowledge to get the complete picture of the Universe.



Physical is the phenomena that impacts our physical senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. We identify such phenomena as consisting of matter and energy.

Spiritual is the phenomena that impacts our mental sense. We identify such phenomena as consisting of thoughts that we postulate to give meaning to what we sense. Who we are, or what is the source of our postulates is a spiritual enquiry that leads us deeper into the unknowable.

The Unknowable is like the absence of any sensation or impact. The realization of this brings an immense sense of freedom.

Therefore, the spiritual phenomena is identified partly as consisting of thought, but mostly it cannot be identified at all. It is unknowable.

The spiritual-physical dichotomy is equivalent to the Unknowable-knowable dichotomy in terms of sensations.



The truly spiritual phenomena is unknowable. It simply relates to a highly elevated sense of self. Religions express it through allegories. Allegories are “spiritual thoughts” that are sensed mentally.

Thought, energy and matter are sensed. They make up this universe. The truly spiritual phenomenon is not sensed at all.

Out-of-body and near-death experiences are considered to be spiritual; but, they are thought phenomena in reality. They are sensed and can be investigated scientifically.


Key Misconception

It is a key misconception to think that the spiritual phenomena, which we can sense and know, is not part of this universe.

The truth is that anything knowable is a part of this universe. The truly spiritual phenomena is unknowable.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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