The Mind

Reference: The Book of Universe

The mind is the instrument that has brought forth the knowledge contained in religion, philosophy and science. The more objective is the viewpoint of the mind, the more capable it is to form the correct picture of the universe, and find answer to the suffering of man.


Definition of MIND

The mind is sensing the universe and giving meaning to those sensations by recognizing their patterns from its postulates. These imparted meanings appear as perceptions.

In the case of a heavy impact the mind is paralyzed and the sensations impose their patterns. This is the case with an engram. In the case of an extremely light impact, the mind remains unaware and the patterns have their way. This is the case with a misconception. These are the two extremes.

In between we have identifications that trouble us as feelings of misunderstanding, difficulties, and guilt that result in justifications. We try to resolve such feelings through contemplation and counseling.

Engrams are handled on Dianetics. Identifications are handled on Scientology Grades. The misconceptions are supposed to be handled on the OT levels of Scientology. But the research on OT levels was left incomplete by Hubbard. The Word Clearing in Scientology cannot handle misconceptions that are buried in the definitions.

The mind is a wonderful instrument but its activity is compromised whenever it is unable to recognize the patterns contained in the sensations.



We know the basic function of the mind, but we do not have a model that can properly explain those functions at a fundamental level and how they get derailed.

Freud proposed a model in terms of a conscious/unconscious mind. Hubbard proposed a model in terms of an analytical/reactive mind. But none of these models explain what is happening within the mind at the most basic level.


Key Misconception

We are missing a model of the mind that explains how it functions at the fundamental level.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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