The Thought

Reference: The Book of Universe

Thought is a substance that is very different from energy and matter. The laws that apply to thought are also very different from the laws that apply to energy, and the laws that apply to matter.  Scientists are still struggling to accept energy as a substance. Acceptance of thought as a substance may be far in the future.


Definition of THOUGHT

The spectrum of thought lies in the peripheral part of the Vortex model. This makes the radius of its path still larger than that of energy, and the path straighter. The consistency of thought is so low that it cannot be detected physically. It can be detected mentally only. Its motion is so fast that it can reach any part of the universe instantly.

Matter has its particles, and energy has its quanta; similarly thought has its postulates. From these postulates arise infinity of considerations. These considerations describe the forms of energy and matter. Thus, thought always accompanies energy and matter.

Matter is quite rigid as evident from its mechanical nature. Energy is much more flexible and its motion is difficult to be predicted with accuracy. Thought is completely flexible, so much so that it feeds back on its own motion and appears to direct itself. Thought is the most difficult substance to handle.

The flexibility of thought reduces with increasing identification among its parts. This means that its ability to understand and guide its own motion suffers as identification increases. This is the same as when the consistency of thought increases.

Matter has its Periodic Table. Energy has its Electromagnetic Spectrum. Similarly, thought has its Tone Scale, a form of which is presented by Hubbard in Scientology. On this Tone scale, the emotions degrade in a certain sequence as the consistency of thought increases. This sequence is “exhilaration, enthusiasm, conservatism, boredom, antagonism, pain, anger, fear, sympathy, propitiation, grief and apathy.”

Thought assumes energy-like characteristics when it increases in consistency. The thought-energy-matter interface occurs in the functioning of the human body.

The fundamental law that applies to thought is the Principle of Oneness. Thus, thought makes the most sense when it is continuous, consistent and harmonious even under extreme differentiation. Any identification reduces the differentiation and introduces discontinuity, inconsistency and disharmony. These are anomalies that need to be resolved. Thought can resolve the anomalies in itself by recognizing the identifications.

Thought is a substance like energy and matter, but it has very different laws. These laws are mostly not known and little understood. It may be a while before thought is even accepted as a substance by the scientific community.



Thought can be sensed or known. Therefore, thought is manifested; and anything manifested must have the characteristics of substance.

Thought at human level is highly complex, but increasing complexity does not translate as increasing consistency. Consistency of thought increases only when there are identifications.

The basic law of thought is the principle of Oneness, because thought aims at getting the complete picture of the universe. It is the resolution of anomalies that straightens out thought.


Key Misconception

To think that thought is not a substance is a key misconception. It is also a misconception to think that the principle of Oneness does not apply to thought and other forms of substance.


More Misconceptions

You may discover more misconceptions on your own, if you contemplate on each sentence of the above definition with mindfulness. Please see:

The 12 Aspects of Mindfulness

Or, you may end up improving upon this definition.

Good luck!


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