Ending a Process

Reference: Course on Subject Clearing

In Scientology, a process is ended on a preclear, when there are F/N, Cognition and VGIs.  This means that preclear had a cognition, or a realization on the process, and he has very good indicators. The F/N (floating needle) means that the E-meter needle is loose and it is no longer reacting to the auditing question. In other words, the process is flat and the preclear is quite relaxed. You can now end the process.

In Subject Clearing you are not using the E-meter. There are improved understandings, and new realizations as you run the process. You run the process until there are no more answers coming up. This means that the process is flat. From the discipline of Subject Clearing the person knows that he has gotten all that he could get out of that process. So he feels quite relaxed about ending the process. You can now end the process.

The process is ended when there are no more reactions to it, and no more answers are coming up; and the person is comfortable about it. 

Here we have different ways of determining that the process is flat. But, in both instance, the preclear has gotten some improvement from the process, and he is ready to move on to the next process.


Running a Process Again

Many a time a process is run until it is flat, but there may be not be a big realization or improvement to speak of. This may happen when the person needed to run other processes first before running this process. Therefore, the process, when it is run at a later time, is much more effective. 

In general, it is possible to run a process again, and effectively, because a person’s case has changed.

However, there seems to be restrictions in Scientology to run processes that have been run previously. But there is no such restriction in Subject Clearing. Any process can be tested to see if it can be run again. If the process is not flat, it can be run.


In Session

When a person is “in session” he is simply being there and confronting his case. Answer to an auditing question comes up naturally when the question is asked, and the person becomes aware of it immediately. When there is no answer, the person becomes aware of that too and accepts that. He may wait for an answer to develop if he feels there is something. But he does not go around anxiously digging in his mind for answers.

So, the effort should be put towards creating an “in session” environment instead of an environment that pressures the preclear to come up with answers to the auditing question. 

A person is “in session” when he is being there and confronting his case on his own determinism.


F/N Everything

A Floating needle (F/N) simply means that the person is relaxed and not uptight when no more answers are coming up to the auditing question. In Scientology, a process is not ended until there is an F/N. It is a rule known by both the auditor and the preclear.

However, after a process has been run for some time, it is a common situation in a Scientology session that the meter has stopped reacting and no more answers are coming up, yet there is no F/N. All kind of remedies are attempted to get an F/N, and a momentary loosening of needle is then accepted as F/N. The F/N gets killed because the attention is fixed on getting the F/N. The “in session” environment is not there.

The requirement in Scientology to “F/N everything” is often self-defeating.

In Subject Clearing, the discipline of Subject Clearing helps maintain the “in session” environment. There are no mechanical requirements like “F/N everything,” and no extraordinary measures taken to meet them. When there are no more answers the person knows it. He does not feel pressured to find more answers. There is no anxiety about ending the process because the person knows he can always run that process again. He feels relaxed about moving to another process.

In Scientology, a great amount of auditing time is wasted because long and cumbersome corrective actions are taken to get an F/N. 


Big Realization

You may find that, when the person has a big realization in the session he is very happy. His needle is floating and he is VGIs. He now needs some time to process the effect of that realization on his life. So, the session ie ended and the person is allowed to go and “enjoy his win.” In Scientology, one also takes this opportunity to end the process. 

In Subject Clearing, when there is a big realization, and the person is very happy, the session is also ended. But, it is not automatically assumed that the process is complete. It is possible to have more realizations on that process. Therefore, the person is allowed to process his realization fully. Then the process is continued if it is not flat.

It is ok to end the session when the preclear gets a big realization, but it is not necessary to end the process also.



Cognition is something a pc suddenly understands or feels. “Well, what do you know about that?”

A process is continued as long as it produces change and no longer, at which time the process is flat. There are no longer any new answers coming up in response to the auditing question. On E-meter, the needle shows no immediate reaction when the auditing question is asked.

When the needle is floating on the E-meter dial, the person is no longer reacting to his environment, and he is quite relaxed. The more relaxed he is, the larger is the range of F/N. However, as the person starts to become uptight, there are still no reactions but the range of F/N starts to become smaller and smaller until it becomes still at one position. As the person becomes still more uptight, there are no reactions, but the needle tightens and starts to rise slowly to the right representing increasing resistance.

VGIs is an abbreviation for very good indicators. It means that the person is relaxed and happy.


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