The Clearing of a Subject 

Reference: The Book of Subject Clearing

Hopefully, you have already completed the procedure as outlined under The Subject Clearing. You now have a subject that you want to clear in ernest. We do that by clearing the concepts in the subject in a logical order.


The Logical Order

The logical order in which to clear the concepts is to start with the broadest concept in a subject, then the next broadest, and the next broadest, and so on.

The broadest concept is usually the title of the subject. It explains why the subject exists in the first place. It contains the purpose of the subject. We put that title at the top of a list. We then start adding key words to that list which represent other concepts in that subject.

We don’t have to complete this list right away. The list will develop by itself, and arrange itself, as we start subject clearing the concepts. Simply add the key words for the concepts as you come across them in your studies. You would know which key word to clear next as the next broadest concept.



So we start subject clearing with the broadest concept in the subject, which is usually its title. Subject clearing includes the process of word clearing as described earlier; but it further requires spotting of the anomalies in the concept by sensing anything that doesn’t make sense. 

You have to trust your gut feeling in doing this. Simply follow what doesn’t make sense. You may look up that concept from different references. Don’t wander off into too many details. Just be focused on fully understanding the concept at that broad level. It may take some time to really spot the anomaly. Sometimes the anomaly may come to you in a flash. You then resolve the anomaly by clearly stating the misconception. 

For an example of subject clearing a concept, please see The Universe.



The purpose of subject clearing  is to free oneself from all doubts, anxieties, misunderstandings relating to a subject. Subject clearing is a top down approach, where one lines up all the concepts in a subject from the broadest to the narrowest, and starts to clear from the broadest. 

This may require a lot of patience. Sometimes realizations may come just by arranging the concepts in the logical order and discovering holes in terms of missing concepts. How many times we, as physicists, have wondered about what Newton’s concept of inertia really means! Or, what gravity truly is!

The order of concepts is not necessarily linear. It could be more like a network of concepts in three dimensions. In the ultimate sense, the order establishes a oneness of understanding in that subject.



This approach has sent me all over the place since my retirement. I ended up putting together the following materials:

The Book of Mathematics
The Book of Universe

Subject Clearing has launched so many different projects for me that it has been a lot of fun. There is never a boring moment. Now I am working on the following book that is an extension of The Book of Universe.

The Book of Physics

I hope you have as much fun with Subject clearing as I have had. Start with a subject that you really want to understand.


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