KHTK Postulates for Metaphysics – Part 1 (old)


Please see Course on Subject Clearing

I shall start these postulates with what Buddha declared.

KHTK Postulate M-0: The Absolute Truth is that there is nothing absolute in the world, that everything is relative, conditioned and impermanent, and that there is no unchanging, everlasting, absolute substance like Self, Soul, or Ātman within or without.

DEFINITION: Absolute means, “Viewed independently; not comparative or relative; ultimate; intrinsic.”

This postulate may appear self-contradictory to some, but it essentially says, “There are no absolute certainties.” This is reflected in one of the most ancient hymns, The Creation Hymn of Rig Veda.

All certainties are relative. This statement does not degrade any certainty we have. It simply means that one can always come up with a better certainty.

That is how science makes progress. Einstein declared the speed of light to be a universal constant. This is a certainty for now, but there may possibly be a wider context in which the speed of light is a special case.

Similarly, in the field of spirituality, we cannot be absolutely certain that self or soul is permanent. The phenomenon that is described as self or soul must be open to further investigation.

There is no progress possible for a person who believes his certainties to be absolute.

Reference: The Quest for Certainty


KHTK Postulate M-1: Awareness is primordial disturbance.

Awareness is known to arise, change and disappear. It may be likened to a disturbance that arises, changes and disappears. We may assume some ground state, which when disturbed gives rise to awareness.

However, the ground state shall forever be unknowable and shall remain only theoretical because there is no awareness to go with it. Awareness arises only when this ground state is disturbed. Therefore, awareness is something relative and not absolute.

Reference: The Ultimate Reality


KHTK Postulate M-2: Consciousness (self-awareness) is primordial light.

Awareness is aware by its very nature. This self-awareness is called consciousness.

Since awareness seems to be disturbance, and science recognizes light (electromagnetic wave) as the most basic form of disturbance in nature, there is some justification in associating consciousness with light. It appears that this association of consciousness with light has been made on an intuitive basis since ancient times.

Consciousness may be regarded as something spiritual as opposed to physical. But spiritual and physical states are neither absolute nor independent. This is similar to the case with space and time which are found by the scientific investigation to be neither absolute nor independent.

For a long time space and time were regarded as absolute concepts in themselves. Newtonian mechanics built on that consideration is still very successful but in a limited scope on earth. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, when considering a cosmic scale, finds space and time to be relative. Similarly, Abrahamic religions have long regarded spiritual and physical states to be absolute in themselves. This has been adequate for a limited understanding of human consciousness. But to understand consciousness on cosmic scale we need to consider spiritual and physical states to be relative. A spiritual state will have physical form, no matter how subtle. And a physical state will have some spiritual characteristics, no matter how subdued.

Thus, we may say with some confidence that self-awareness, or consciousness, has the basic form of light, which represents a disturbance of nearly infinite wave-length of practically zero frequency. Being timeless, its velocity is infinite. Since awareness is relative, consciousness is also relative.

This is a very raw level of consciousness. Soul, self, energy, matter, etc., come later.

Reference: Awareness and Light


KHTK Postulate M-3: Awareness, as a disturbance, is a back and forth conversion between perception and knowledge.

As disturbance occurs, there is perception. Perception then acquires meaning. This is knowledge. Knowledge then prompts perception, which then acquires meaning, and so on.

When I am looking at a tiled floor, I perceive a tiled floor because I know it is a tiled floor. It is almost like a tautology. It is a back and forth conversion of perception and knowledge of a tiled floor.

This is the form awareness as a disturbance – a back and forth conversion between perception and knowledge. This parallels light as a disturbance – a back and forth conversion between electric and magnetic fields.


KHTK Postulate M-4: Awareness expands and consciousness grows as the frequency of perception/knowledge interchange increases.

Knowledge gives meaning to incoming perception, whereas perception strengthens the knowledge with meaningful patterns. There is a finite frequency, wavelength and period to this interchange. As the frequency of this disturbance increases, more complex awareness comes about, and all that meaning molds consciousness.

The most fundamental level of consciousness (self-awareness) is the primordial light. As frequency increases, the light acquires new characteristics, and capabilities for new interactions. These characteristics express the inherent knowledge, and the interactions express the inherent perceptions.

The answers to questions like, “How this disturbance does come about?” or “How does its frequency increase?” shall have to wait. But we know that awareness seems to grow with intuition, and this intuition is somehow linked to the frequency of perception/knowledge interchange. That is why mindfulness is effective. Mindfulness is essentially seeing things as they are. As one perceives things continually without interfering with them, intuitions come about.


KHTK Postulate M-5: The range of frequencies of perception/knowledge interchange generates a spectrum of consciousness.

The increasing frequency of perception/knowledge interchange may be characterized by Disturbance levels. The basic level of disturbance may be defined as having a frequency of 1 (20). At this level the wavelength of the disturbance is practically infinite and the period is non-existent. The basic consciousness would appear as primordial light without characteristics. We may refer to this level as DL0 (Disturbance Level 0).

The subsequent disturbance levels, DL1, DL2, DL3, etc., may be defined in terms of doubling of frequency, such as, 2 (21), 4 (22), 8 (23), etc. Disturbance Level ‘n’ (DLn) will have a frequency of 2n. As disturbance levels increase, the wave-length of light shrinks to create the dimensions of space. The period is manifested to create the dimension of time. These dimensions become manifested with the formation of finite forms.

Please note that Consciousness consists of both spiritual and physical characteristics througout this spectrum.

Disturbance Levels

The graph above presents the disturbance levels as a function of frequency of perception/knowledge interchange. The frequencies are plotted along the x-axis, and the disturbance levels are plotted along the y-axis. It can be seen from this graph that negative disturbance levels may be postulated with the halving of frequency. The frequency never reaches the zero of the theoretical ground level.

The disturbance level of zero occurs at the frequency of 1. The disturbance is manifested as consciousness that has both spiritual and physical characteristics.



KHTK Postulates for Metaphysics – Part 2

KHTK Postulates for Physics


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  • vinaire  On April 6, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    I have been stuck on these KHTK Postulates for Metaphysics for a while. Finally, some progress seems to have come in the form of the following realization.

    KHTK Postulate M-2: Awareness oscillates between perceiving and knowing fields, similar to the way electromagnetism oscillates between electric and magnetic fields. There is a finite frequency, wavelength and period to this oscillation.

    Just like the electromagnetic wave oscillates between electric and magnetic fields, awareness seems to oscillate between perceiving and knowing fields.

    With perception there is an inflow of information. Information associates itself into knowledge, and there comes about knowingness. With knowingness there is an inflow of inconsistencies. With inconsistencies comes about more information to be perceived and resolved through association. With this alternation of perception and knowingness, awareness propagates itself forward.


    I have now rewritten the OP, and hope to move forward from here. 🙂


  • vinaire  On April 6, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    Contemplating on these postulates is like fishing.

    It is just waiting for the realizations to bite.


  • vinaire  On April 6, 2014 at 10:07 PM

    I think that I am getting closer to finding the interface between the metaphysical and the physical aspects of this universe. It is somewhere in the vicinity of awareness and electromagnetism.


    KHTK Postulate M-3: The oscillation of awareness, as it propagates, converts random information into knowledge. This knowledge establishes itself as patterns of the electromagnetic aspect of the disturbance.

    The “perceiving-knowing cycle” of awareness consists of:

    1. Random information with inconsistency comes to view.
    2. This information is sorted out and made consistent.
    3. The knowingness increases as a result.
    4. With increased knowing, new information and inconsistencies come to view.

    This cycle produces increased knowledge. This knowledge is stored as patterns in the electromagnetic fields. Each pattern that we come across has some knowledge stored in it.


  • vinaire  On April 7, 2014 at 7:30 AM

    It seems that the electromagnetic phenomenon is created when random data is converted into fixed patterns. These patterns are carriers of knowledge.

    Electromagnetic phenomenon is literally a storehouse of knowledge.


    • Chris Thompson  On April 9, 2014 at 9:22 PM

      Granted. Just as the airwaves are carrying music, video, and radio information in the form of EMR disturbances. Our own intellects somehow receive and coalesce this EMR in various forms into the abstractions that we experience. Like a computer MODEM, events occur disturbing space-time, EMR carry the modulated disturbance to us and then the disturbance is demodulated into an abstraction. The closer I look, the less idea I have of what is going on.

    • vinaire  On April 10, 2014 at 6:54 AM

      It seems that random information itself is a form of knowledge at a more basic level. I have no idea how knowledge starts. It all seems to go back to inertia-less field and activity-less energy.

      • Chris Thompson  On April 10, 2014 at 8:00 AM

        Experiential envelopes, barriers, limits traditionally dissolve, move outward, expand when we get close enough. What we are doing as we move technology and knowledge forward is changing our experience of the universe rather than the universe. But I also see something else. I see knowledge fractally specializing away from other knowledge. Volume of knowledge increases exponentially. I see the day of universal man drifting into the past as knowledge becomes enormous. Man’s intellect follows these fractal threads as it ever has. But man’s intellect seems to fill up. The greater the body of knowledge, the more specialized man’s intellect must become purely because of man’s mental limitation. Man’s internet, Wikipedia, etc., seems already to be replacing his own mind as a storage and retrieval vessel. This began as far back as libraries, was aided by the printing press, continued by “encyclopedias” and continues along this line of expansion today due to iteration in present time. Is this our natural mental evolution in action?

        • vinaire  On April 10, 2014 at 8:44 AM

          One may say that the universe itself a big library, a large storage bin of knowlege. We are simply learning to use it better.

        • Chris Thompson  On April 10, 2014 at 10:07 AM

          This was one of the premises of Star Trek The Movie in 1979. This was a brilliant treatise on one of the possible futures of the Voyager spacecraft.

        • vinaire  On April 10, 2014 at 10:15 AM

          Yes. Each particle seems to contain a pattern of knowledge ready to be explored.

  • vinaire  On May 28, 2014 at 9:06 PM

    Expansion of KHTK Postulate M-1:

    (1) Beyond all reality there is ultimate reality.
    (2) The ultimate reality is unknowable until it is disturbed.
    (3) Awareness arises only when the ultimate reality is disturbed.
    (4) The disturbance then appears to be traveling through a primordial field.
    (5) The spiritual aspect of this disturbance is awareness (consciousness).
    (6) The physical aspect of this disturbance is light (electromagnetic radiation).

    This is my conception of the “Big Bang”.

    • vinaire  On May 28, 2014 at 9:10 PM

      The theoretical ground state for this universe is postulated to be an undisturbed primordial field that has no frequency, wavelength or period. But this ground state is unknowable because awareness does not exist at that level. Awareness arises only as a disturbance.

    • vinaire  On May 28, 2014 at 9:16 PM

      Awareness appears to be the property of the disturbance. Light appears to be outward expression of the disturbance. Awareness at this level is of a primordial nature. As light builds up in terms of frequency and period, awareness builds up in terms of perception and discrimination.

      There is no self at this level. The universe consists only of light and awareness. So, the universe itself may be considered the “primordial self or soul.”

    • vinaire  On May 28, 2014 at 9:46 PM

      This disturbance is the postulate of the universe that quickly propagates and persists as a consideration. The universe develops from this initial postulate and consideration.

  • vinaire  On June 3, 2014 at 5:07 AM

    I have now revised KHTK Postulate M-1 to the following:

    KHTK Postulate M-1: Underlying all reality there seems to be a primordial field, which when disturbed, gives rise to awareness and electromagnetism.

    The theoretical ground state for this universe is postulated to be an undisturbed primordial field that has no frequency, wavelength or period. But this ground state is unknowable because awareness arises only when the “primordial field” is disturbed. The disturbance then appears to be traveling through a primordial field.

    The spiritual aspect of this disturbance is awareness (consciousness). The physical aspect of this disturbance is light (electromagnetic radiation). These two aspects are referred to as PURUSHA and PRAKRITI in the ancient scriptures.

    Awareness appears to be the property of the disturbance. Light appears to be outward expression of the disturbance. Awareness at this level is of a primordial nature. It builds up as perception and discrimination as light gains wave-length and frequency.

    There is no self at this level. The universe consists only of radiating awareness and light. The universe itself is the primordial self.


    • vinaire  On June 3, 2014 at 5:11 AM

      Soul and self are generated from awareness in a way that is similar to the way matter and objects are generated from electromagnetic radiation.

    • Chris Thompson  On June 3, 2014 at 1:00 PM

      “The universe itself is the primordial self.”

      . . . with a few disturbances here and there, but mostly pretty quiet, relatively speaking!

      • vinaire  On June 3, 2014 at 1:05 PM

        Wait till Shelly finds out that you find it therapeutic to look at other women.

  • vinaire  On June 10, 2014 at 7:07 PM

    (Possible revision)
    KHTK Postulate M-1A: For there to be awareness there must be disturbance.

    The rawest of all awareness has to be the awareness of pure disturbance. Prior to that there would be no awareness. Only a theoretical ground state may be postulated in terms of undisturbed primordial field that contains no frequency, wavelength or period.

    But this ground state shall forever be unknowable and shall remain only theoretical because there is no awareness to go with it. Awareness arises only when this ground state is disturbed. The awareness then accompanies a disturbance that seem to be traveling through a primordial field.


  • vinaire  On June 10, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    (Possible revision)
    KHTK Postulate M-1B: This disturbance has the outward form of primordial electromagnetic wave.

    This is a very raw level of creation. Soul, self, energy, matter, etc., come later.

    While awareness is the essential property of this disturbance, the outward form of the disturbance is not different from some primordial harmonic of the electromagnetic wave. The wave-length of this disturbance is nearly infinite, and the frequency nearly zero. The period and velocity are infinite for all practical purposes.

    We instinctively associate light with awareness. Both of them seem to have the same basis. Both seem to be merely two different aspects of the same primordial phenomenon.

    Light may fall in the category called ‘physical’. Awareness may fall in the category called metaphysical or ‘spiritual’. It is quite possible that the old assumption that ‘physical’ and ‘spiritual’ are two separate phenomena is in error. More likely the ‘universe’ is a single phenomenon and ‘physical’ and ‘spiritual’ are two different ways of looking at it.


  • vinaire  On June 18, 2014 at 4:10 AM

    I am now revising KHTK Postulate M-1 in the OP by KHTK Postulate M-1A and KHTK Postulate M-1B.

  • vinaire  On June 18, 2014 at 4:54 AM

    I have revised the following as well.

    KHTK Postulate M-2A: Awareness results in knowledge.

    The raw awareness is aware of itself as “a phenomenon with aspects of awareness and light.” This is a datum of knowledge.


    KHTK Postulate M-2B: There is oscillation between perceiving and experiening.

    There are phases of perceiving and experiencing. These may correspond to primordial harmonics of electrical and magnetic phases respectively.

    Awareness results in perception of what is there. This perception is then assimilated as experience. Thus, knowledge continues.

    There is a finite frequency, wavelength and period to this oscillation.

  • vinaire  On June 25, 2014 at 11:20 PM

    I have combined some partial sub-postulates as follows:

    KHTK Postulate M-3: Thus comes about perception and knowledge, interchanges between them, and meaningful patterns.

    Awareness perceives itself as light. This is the most fundamental perception. Light forms the basis of all other perceptions as it will be covered later.

    Knowledge is the outcome of perception. Thus, light becomes the most fundamental form of knowledge. To shed light on something is to bring out more knowledge about the thing.

    Perception is followed immediately by knowledge. Knowledge then forms the basis for new perception. Such interchages have a finite frequency, wavelength and period. With these interchanges awareness continues and light moves forward.

    Knowledge gives meaning to incoming perception of disturbance. Perception strengthens knowledge into meaningful patterns. Awareness becomes more defined as knowledge. Light becomes more defined as the sense of perception.

    Thus we have primordial knowledge stored in the sense of perception.


  • vinaire  On June 26, 2014 at 6:51 AM

    The process of observation involves perceiving the patterns and then knowing what is there by giving meaning to those patterns.

    Adding meaning to patterns is what occurs during observation..

    • A*  On June 28, 2014 at 5:29 AM

      This is good.

      I would just replace “disturbance” by “vibration” (from unknown cause) because disturbance is a quality that does not necessarily reflect that vibration. What disturbed it? It could just be an harmonic. Vibration refers to motion, Something seems to have happened but calling it disturbance is less clear and impartial.

      I find it hard to believe that the absolute truth of the ultimate perfection would start its process with disturbances. i think that might happen much further in the line, the line you persist to affirm that exists.

      The universe is not linear. It all seems to happen in different places and times but there is only one moment, now, and one place, here. from where you connect to all levels of existence and embody all truths. All is suspended in the sky and the sky permeates everythying. Emptiness is form, form is emptiness.

      Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. I agree. He also said that “reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”; It could be interesting to know why it is VERY persisting.

      According to teachings from several religions, it persists because one resists. It could also be interesting to question why is one resisting and by knowing what you are resisting to, you can imagine why.

      “The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.” (Alan Watts)

      If our observation of reality also creates it, then we can decide what the ultimate truth is. It could be a consensual one or not. It will more likely never be consensual in intelectual terms but felt by all, causing different vibrations or disturbances which will reflect in one’s expression(s).

      By looking for answers one seeks to find peace through the assurance only certainty can give. Because of fear of the unknown, the doubt, the uncertainty. What if certainty is only imagined? What if the truth we are looking for is an escape to life itself, a non acceptance of what simply is and our resistance comes from fearing life as it is, units that make up units and so, pure love? Thinking is the first division. If you think love, you return home. Truth.

      “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”(Rumi)
      You can substitute Love for Truth, it works the same way.

      I don’t really know nothing about anything; I am just imagining.
      I know what I said doesn’t have any scientific value 😉

      • vinaire  On June 28, 2014 at 6:11 AM

        Hi A*, Welcome to Vinaire’s Blog. I value your input. I hope we get into some nice discussions. I always learn from discussions.

        These are starting postulates, which are intended to make sense out of this existence. The whole focus is on keeping them consistent and coherent within themselves as well as with reality. They are expected to expose any assumptions we have made.

        For example, this set of postulates exposes the assumption that is generally made about spirituality and physicality being absolute in themselves. This is similar to the Newtonian assumption of Space and Time being absolute in themselves. That assumption fell apart with Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Hopefully, the theory developing here will do away with the assumption of spirituality and physicality being absolute.

        In my view, spirituality and physicality are relative to each other, just like space and time are relative. Therefore, my viewpoint is reality-centric and not self-centric. This means that I am not starting with a postulate of self, such as, God, which tends to be subjective. Instead I am starting with the fact of awareness, and working my way forward from there..

        Just like light seems to be a disturbance in the fabric of space, I see awareness being a disturbance in some primordial field. Thus, I am starting with the theoretical postulate of a primordial field.

        Here is my understanding of the Ultimate Reality.

        The Ultimate Reality


      • vinaire  On June 28, 2014 at 6:28 AM

        The Abrahamic religions treat spirituality as absolute. Their staring postulate is a spiritual self, which then creates a physical world.

        I disagree with that hypothesis. It promotes an absolutist self-centric view.

        The theory that I am developing is far from complete. Its inspiration is coming from Buddism, which provided the initial hypothesis.

        Intuitively, I find Buddha’s hypothesis brilliant and spot on. I just have to take it into the realm of a scientific theory.

        My realization of self-centricity was first expressed through the following essay.

        Theism, Atheism and Non-theism


        • A*  On June 28, 2014 at 8:26 AM

          self and reality are related to each other as well, like science and art.

          awareness is knowing there was a state before the awareness that seems to be separated, that originated it and now sustains and envelops it.

          the primordial field is in constant stillness and sleep.
          awareness is a motion while it dreams, a brief look into itself.

          we cannot have awareness without a self to perceive it.
          without the self, awareness is all there is and cannot know itself as such unless it divides at least in two, although one doesn’t even exist 🙂

        • vinaire  On June 28, 2014 at 8:48 AM

          Self is not a constant and absolute, just like reality is not a constant and absolute. From the raw self-awareness of light to the complex self-awareness of a human being there are all forms of self. There is no fixed and permanent core of self as the “thetan” assumed in scientology. In the ultimate reality of the postulated primordial field there is no self. 🙂

        • A*  On June 28, 2014 at 9:02 AM

          i never believed in thetans 🙂

          if it’s a postulated reality then you are just speculating.
          you cannot know the primordial field unless you become a point of observation of it, dreaming you’re awake from it and thus, separated.
          to know the primordial field is to not know oneself because there is no self, just the primordial field and its vibrations.

        • vinaire  On June 28, 2014 at 9:21 AM

          I wish what you are saying here was more widely understood. 🙂

        • A*  On June 28, 2014 at 9:35 AM

          what would happen if it were?

        • vinaire  On June 28, 2014 at 10:05 AM

          The spiritual progress of this universe will speed up. 🙂

        • A*  On June 28, 2014 at 10:09 AM

          speed up where to? 🙂

        • vinaire  On June 28, 2014 at 10:13 AM

          For now we can aim for Satya Yuga


        • A*  On June 28, 2014 at 10:15 AM

          right, when Kali is done with her mighty cleaning 🙂

        • vinaire  On June 28, 2014 at 10:17 AM

          I am part of Kali. 🙂

        • A*  On June 28, 2014 at 10:19 AM

          sure you are 🙂 we are here to clean and be cleaned.

        • Chris Thompson  On July 5, 2014 at 8:25 PM

          Good post.

        • Chris Thompson  On June 29, 2014 at 11:14 AM

          “we cannot have awareness without a self to perceive it. without the self, awareness is all there is and cannot know itself as such unless it divides at least in two, although one doesn’t even exist 🙂 I enjoyed your post A*. It makes me see mirrors inside of mirrors.

        • vinaire  On June 29, 2014 at 11:43 AM

          At the most fundamental level, self is what is perceived. It is the basic knowledge (light). It is also the whole of reality.

  • vinaire  On June 26, 2014 at 10:04 PM

    KHTK Postulate M-3A: Thus come about self-awareness consisting of perception and knowledge.

    Awareness becomes aware of itself as light. This is the most fundamental perception. Light seems to form the basis of all other perceptions as will be covered later.

    Perception acquires meaning as part of becoming self-aware. This forms the basis of knowledge. The characteristics of light express this primordial knowledge. To shed light on something is to bring out knowledge about the thing.


    KHTK Postulate M-3B: With interchanges between perception and knowledge, awareness continues as sense of light.

    Perception is simultaneous with the occurrence of the disturbance, and it is immediately followed by the knowledge of occurrence. Knowledge gives meaning to incoming perception of disturbance. Perception strengthens the knowledge into meaningful patterns. There is a finite frequency, wavelength and period to these interchanges.

    With these interchanges the disturbance continues as “awareness-light”. Awareness becomes more defined as knowledge. Light becomes more defined as the sense of perception. And we have primordial knowledge stored as the sense of perception.


  • vinaire  On June 27, 2014 at 12:51 PM

    I am looking at the interface between physics and metaphysics. At the top seems to be light and awareness. Next levels seems to be that of perception and knowledge.

    The body seems to be a vehicle for perception. The self seems to be a vehicle for knowledge.


  • vinaire  On July 3, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    This refinement of postulate M-3 seems to be bringing forth some dividends: The disturbance (awareness) is a conversion of perception into knowledge and vice versa.

    When I am looking at a tiled floor, I am perceiving a tiled floor because I know it is a tiled floor. It is a back and forth conversion of perception and knowledge of a tiled floor. It is otherwise known as tautology.

    This is awareness. How that awareness of a tiled floor came to be seems to be a build up from many earlier awarenesses.

    How does a new awareness comes forth from an earlier awareness? In other words, how does a new tautology comes forth from an earlier tautology? The answer seems to lie in the increase in the frequency of perception/knowledge interchange. Somehow this increase seems to bring about intuition.

    How does the frequency of this interchange increase? This goes back to the question, “How does the disturbance come about in the first place?” The answer to this question will have to wait. All we know is that there is intuition, and it is somehow connected to the frequency of perception/knowledge interchange.

    This seems to be the secret underlying meditation and contemplation known as mindfulness.

    As you keep on perceiving things as they are without interfering with them, intuitions come about.


    • vinaire  On July 3, 2014 at 3:34 PM

      These intuitions can go in either direction

      (1) Creation of new reality, or

      (2) Destruction of existing reality

      Any change or modication would involve both the above classifications.

  • vinaire  On July 3, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    I now feel very satisfied how these first 5 postulates are worded and explained. They may still change but I don’t expect those changes to be major.

    The subsequent postulates shall be much easier to put together. What a relief.

  • vinaire  On July 6, 2014 at 5:30 AM

    The basic identity of thetan is “that which postulates and perceives.” It is a very abstract definition. It points to a potential only.

    This potential of thetan becomes an actuality the moment there is a postulate, which is then perceived. This postulate is relative to the potential of the thetan.

    Soon a belief system grows out of the postulate, and a logic starts to flow through that belief system. Now have the actuality of “self”. This “self” is relative to the potential of thetan

    This “self” is not a problem so long as none of the postulates in its belief system are fixed and considered to be absolute.

    Problem comes only with some of the postulates in one’s belief system comes to be regarded as fixed in some absolute sense.

    There is a lovely process that can be created out of the above analysis.



    The processing shall consist of identifying the postulate and looking at it more closely to see where it is coming from and what makes it absolute.